Redox Signaling and Depression


A Blog about Healing by Tom Lombardo

The Balance of Power Shifts

The first day of the second week things changed abruptly.

For all these years I have struggled to have the strength to redirect my thoughts. But more painfully, I have always wished that my thoughts did not require constant redirecting in the first place.

As of today, my strength has increased without a doubt. But more magnificently, the thoughts that require redirecting are much weaker. When they arise I can dissolve them more easily.

Normally, there is a constant vacillation between states of mind that are warring with each other. Now, when my healthy mind scores a victory it gathers strength. The fight is no longer even, one for one. A melody has overwhelmed the vacillation, and I am playing it. Soon these destructive thoughts will arise so seldom they will no longer be a part of my life.

What is happening is clear to me. I know my consciousness so well, I can describe this to you. For years and years I have exercised my mind to work towards a healthy consciousness, so I use exercises I invented myself, and I really work them. And I was getting stronger, I was healing.

Now, though, these same exercises are having a much more dramatic effect, and the effect is lasting much longer. Incredibly, I think I am about to begin learning how to sustain a sort of mental positivity for more than an instant. I think I will learn to sustain much longer periods of mental health.

My neurons knew which connections I wanted to use, but it lacked the chemical power to fully sustain the pathways that create the positive state of mind I wish to occupy. Asea has flooded my mind with the energy it needs to sustain the pathways I will to exist. Asea literally is energy — minute bits of energy in a molecular form that is completely native to every living cell of every living on Earth. These molecules are everywhere in you already, and when you drink more of them they are absorbed into your system and across the blood-brain barrier with complete freedom.

And neurons that were struggling to communicate now have the energy to form and sustain pathways. The connections get stronger, and your consciousness comes under your control.

Something like that is at the physical root of the cure to these disorders.

I am discovering Asea after twenty years of training. I can only imagine how it would impact a younger person who is just beginning to understand the magnitude of his disorder.

However old you are, you owe it to yourself to try this. There’s no risk to get a month’s supply — send back the bottles for a full refund. And please don’t try to make it last — take two ounces twice a day for a month.

That’s what I’m doing. And on Day 8, it is amazing.

Filed under: 1b. Day 8 -- The First Breakthrough, , , , , , , , , ,

Starting at the Foundation

This could be a placebo effect, because this is only the second day.

But it could be real…

If you read this whole blog you’ll know that one of my main challenges is learning how to stop my brain from telling a story I didn’t want to hear. My ability to do this progressed slowly and painfully over many years of hard work.

Now I’m at the point where I am fully aware of the moment a story arises, and usually I can deny it entry, and dissolve it.

That’s the most fundamental skill for me, the one upon which all others are built. So it makes sense that I would notice an effect there first.

Flooding my mind with native, naturally occurring, tiny and ubiquitous redox signaling molecules is strengthening the foundation of the healing I’ve done on my own.


Filed under: 1a. The First Gift from Asea, , , , , , , , , ,

No Escape Possible

I strongly believe that there is such a thing as mental health, and I know that I’ve met people who are healthier than I am, and I know that I have met people who were so healthy they were on the verge of maxing out what the mind can do.

We can aspire to a higher state of mind. Others have it. We can have it too.

For a long time I felt certain that attempting to embark on a path to a higher state of mind was futile, because I could never cover such a distance.

I hope that I can help short-circuit that argument in your mind by telling you how bad it was at its worst. It probably won’t be exactly the same as yours, but I hope you’ll see some reflections that will inspire you to try some of the things I tried.

The worst periods I’ve been through have lasted months, where my self-generated consciousness was limited to five or six terrible stories, told over and over again. In every instance, I was locked in viscous combat. The violence and evil in some of these stories crossed the line to torture porn.

I had no choice but to indulge them, watch them, experience them, refine them. I experienced full body adrenaline rushes, hallucinations of utterly overwhelming intensity, and the depth and height of heroic emotions.

Paying attention to reality, such as other people, tangentially interrupted these stories, which ramped up again from the midst of an interaction with someone else. My ability to communicate nearly disappeared.

Sometimes a story would begin and I would be sad and defeated and exhausted because I had no choice but to experience the story again. I would look about at the world as though to say goodbye, and the story would take over.

Other times, which was much worse, I would throw a leg over the story’s black back and grabb her jet dark mane and look into her red eye before bolting into the underworld with her.

This never stopped. I was always, every moment of every day, at some point in a story. My mind was trapped.

That is the essence of my condition. Thinking like this has had a profoundly negative effect on the reality I experience in the material world. I am awful, things get worse.

But those moments when I could stand outside and try to address the problem were the beginning of my healing path. Those moments are all you need to get started, and you know you already have them.

A few times every day, through great effort, I would pull my mind out of the trap for a moment, and try to devise a means of healing. That’s what worked first.

Filed under: 2b. Living with a Defective Consciousness, , , , , , , , , ,

An Experience of the Possible

I honestly believe that one of the main reasons I have made the progress on my disorders that I have is that I once had a completely out-of-the-blue experience of perfect mental health. That experience showed me what was possible and proved to me that I could hold it within my own consciousness.

In those days, my commute home from work was through some of the most beautiful woodlands and vineyards of western Sonoma County. In any state of mind, it was stunning and awe inspiring. So one late one sunny afternoon I was driving home along this very familiar road.

And suddenly mental clarity blossomed within my mind. “Blossomed” is the right word, because it literally originated at my sixth chakra and radiated out into the rest of my mind. It cleared all of my obsessive thoughts repeating depressing stories. Washed them out of existence with light. All that was left was a perfect clarity of perception, which settled upon the stunning beauty of my surroundings. A perfect state of Zen mind captivated me. No thoughts, only thought itself, singular, without words or errors. This state of mind lasted for over thirty seconds.

And it changed everything. I do not believe I had an enlightenment experience or satori. I think that I experienced a moment of simple mental health. Nothing spectacular, just the high-end of what an average person can have.

Which made it ever clearer that I was at the bottom end. I could live with it, though, because I knew that there was a path up. If I could experience it for a moment, then I could experience it again.

I set about attaining this in earnest.

Filed under: 4a. My First Glimpse of Mental Health, , , , , , , , , , ,

Negative Feedback

You’re depressed

Which causes things to go wrong in the real world.

Which makes you more depressed.

And the longer this lasts the more impossible it seems to get out of it.

This is the opposite pole of the Law of Attraction.

Napoleon Hill talked about your Definite Chief Aim, and how you should repeat this aloud all the time to train your subconscious mind to attract to you what you want in life.

The opposite works just as well.

If your subconscious is depressed, negative and in pain all the time, the universe responds and gives you what your subconscious is asking for — more pain and more misfortune.

And you — your life, your time — are attached to this drama like an appendage, watching things fall to pieces, and there is literally nothing you can do about it.

Still, you go on struggling to gain control over your mind, since that is your only hope.

Filed under: 2a. Caged, , , , , , , , , , , ,

How OCD Makes It Much Worse

repetition of thoughts drives you crazy

reviewing the same story over and over for hours

Depression is bad enough, don’t you think?

But it often comes along with one or more additional disorders. Often, it comes along with anxiety, which I do not have.

I have obsessive compulsive disorder, which people usually associate with cleaning things over and over or having a ritual around closing a door. I’m not like that. In my case, it takes place entirely within my consciousness and has no outward manifestation.

I repeat the same story over and over again in my mind.

Filed under: 2c. How OCD Makes It Much Worse, , , , , , , , , , , ,

Visualizing Redox Signalling

For centuries poets and lovers have described life and the world as energies. You are an energy, I am an energy, the ecological miracle that spawned us is an energy.

This perception of reality is literally true because at the atomic level matter is fundamentally energy. An atom is a form of energy. When atoms join together to form molecules, the molecule becomes a form of energy.

The energy has a shape. The shape is in at least four dimensions (if string theory is correct, it would be eleven dimensions), but to visualize it in three dimensions imagine you are enormous and you are holding a cloud of birds between your hands. They fly about in this constant beautiful flow, but the shape of the cloud they form does not change. It stretches from one palm to the other, and is not too wide in the middle, and is curved like a span of hills.

The molecule holds this shape of energy.

Other parts of the living cell have surfaces and crevices that fit this shape of energy perfectly.

When your cloud of birds lands on a surface or flies into a crevice, all the energy changes. The energy in the molecule changes, and the energy on the surface or in the crevice changes.

The change allows something to happen — the process of life is moved forward.

These encounters happen trillions of times every second in the 1.5 trillion cells in your body.

Redox Signalling molecules are the clouds of birds. They are ubiquitous in the cell — they make up 13% of the fluid inside the cell. The energy changes they enable happen constantly.

When there are not enough redox signalling molecules around to facilitate every energy change that requires one, then the cell can not operate as well.

It also can’t talk to the cells around it as well.

And that is where redox signalling meets depression and obsessive compulsive disorder.

If you could increase the number of redox signalling molecules within your brain, then it would be able to work better, right?

If the connections between the neurons had abundant redox signalling molecules to use, then the paths I’m trying to create in my brain would be formed more quickly, right?

So that’s what I’m doing right now, with Asea, the only product in the world that can set loose these flocks of birds in your body, energizing every process within every single one of your trillion plus cells.

Filed under: 5b. Redox Signalling Science, , , , , , , , , , , ,

A Perspective on Cells

First, check out this amazing animation from Harvard:

As David Bolinsky said, we understand only about 1% of what is going on inside of a cell.

One thing we do know is that redox signaling molecules assist in three major processes:

  1. Generating energy
  2. Increasing the effectiveness of anti-oxidants
  3. Repairing damage due to oxidation stress

Without them, our cells can’t function. And there are only two ways to get them:

  1. Your cells make them constantly — though fewer of them as you get older.
  2. Asea

Twenty-six patents, and many of them are just about suspending them in solution so they can last about a year in the bottle.

Repair yourself at the cellular level — that’s what your body is doing. Redox signaling molecules do nothing more than help your body do what it is already doing.

Filed under: 5a. A Perspective on Cells, , , , , , , , , , , ,

If you decide to try Asea